What You Need to Know About Hiring Juvenile Employees

With summer coming up, you may be looking to hire some seasonal workers to help you around your park. You may even have friends or relatives calling to let you know that their child is available for the summer to give you a hand! While this is great news for you and your park, make sure you are familiar with California’s child labor laws before you start hiring.
California Outdoor Hospitality Association has partnered with CalChamber to bring you a new edition of our White Papers on child labor laws in California. This document covers the laws and provisions of juveniles in the work force both during the school year and on days that students are not in school, including holidays. We also have a breakdown of both California and Federal laws by age group and categories such as wages, hours of work, and exemptions.
While it may seem great to take on a younger worker to help you with the ins and outs of your park, be sure that you are aware of the laws and provisions associated with hiring minors. If you are caught not adhering to these requirements, you could face fines, imprisonment, or both.